Viewing a Light's Current Restore State

1. Check whether the light is set to restore to its last state or a default.

i. Go to the Device Settings tab.

ii. If necessary, set the Settings For dropdown to "Lamps".

iii. Find the light’s serial number or name in the Devices list.

iv. Check whether the value in the Restore Last State On Power Cycle column is "Enabled" or "Disabled".

If the value is "Enabled", the light will return to its most recent state when power-cycled.

If the value is "Disabled", the light will return to a default restore state.

2. If the light is set to restore to a default, view the default on the Lamps tab.

i. Go to Device Control > Lamps.

ii. Select the light’s group in the My Lamp Groups panel.

The default restore state’s color is visible at center screen, under Default Lamp Color Setting. The default intensity is visible on the slider at the top of the color picker panel on the right.